The very best of the Season’s Greetings go out from the DDCWWFCSC to all our members, Honorary members, friends and families. May you have a wonderful festive time that is flood free and includes 3 points on Boxing Day.
Best wishes
The very best of the Season’s Greetings go out from the DDCWWFCSC to all our members, Honorary members, friends and families. May you have a wonderful festive time that is flood free and includes 3 points on Boxing Day.
Best wishes
You can now book your tickets for the Blues home game on 8th December kick of at 5:30. Could we get a win? Could it be Solbakken’s last match? A crazy kick off time for a TV audience that won’t be watching! But the pub will be open and we can share the experience together. Tickets £24 each, collect from the Western.
The 37th Annual Dinner of the DDCWWFCSC was hailed as another great success on Saturday. A combination of a good result for Wolves in unexpected circumstances, some great beer provided by Kevin Yelland, some fantastic guests all determined to enjoy themselves, and good food all contributed to another good night.
Add to that Willie Carr Singing for his Supper, some good fund raising on behalf of Cancer Research and also a rare beer auction where we raised £150 towards a heart charity in memory of our late Secretary Robin Chatterjee, plus Mike Bailey and Willie Carr having a pea shooter shoot out in the middle of the meal then you can see that it was a memorable evening. The last revellers heading for bed sometime after 4 in the morning.
As we enter the final few days prior to the dinner on Saturday I now finally have clear visibility of who our guests for the evening will be. As he feared the combination of Sky and family commitments means that Matt Murray won’t be able to attend. Wayne Hennessey our POTY has also fallen by the wayside, for reasons that remain unclear. Another blow is that our mystery guest having agreed to come, has informed me that his wife went and booked a surprise holiday which means he is now in Egypt rather than Staverton.
That said, we still have a good line up and we’ll be sure to have a good night anyway with former players Mike Bailey and Willie Carr along with their wives. Then we have Director John Gough with his wife Helen and Wolves Secretary Richard Skirrow. Last and most certainly not least we have Kevin Foley from the current squad.
Given that our ticket sales are picking up – but still not great – I thought I’d continue the trend by putting on sale tickets for our next home game against Bolton early. So there we are 6 tickets up for grabs, please book ia the link on the home page
Tickets are £24 each, book using the tab on the home page and collect from the Western before hand. This game is on Tuesday 23rd October 7:45 KO. Remember to bring your Dinner money too!
The negotiations are completed, the prices are now set for this years Annual Dinner at £32 for people who were members last season and £42 for non-members. This retains the tradition of members getting back their full subs if they attend the end of season dinner. And although not at the end of the season, this is when we try to present out Player of the Year for last season.
This year we are back at the De Vere Staverton Park Hotel just outside Daventry on Saturday 10th November after the home game with Brighton.
We will follow the usual format of 5 course dinner, speeches and presentations followed by a disco. Many members have already booked their accommodation too, so it will be another late night. There’s still plenty of places left, joining us for sure so far are Honorary Members Mike Bailey John Gough and Willie Carr with their wives Barbara, Helen and Tessa. I expect a few more famous faces to be joining us too.
These should include Wolves Secretary Richard Skirrow. Hopefully we’ll also get Kevin Foley along and if Sky schedules permit Matt Murray too. I’m also working on one or two other famous names, so watch this space. I have both Matt and Richard trying to get Wayne Hennessey along, they managed it last year with Matt Jarvis so hopefully they’ll manage it again this time.
If you want to attend please contact Coxy and either send money or bring it to one of the next few games against Huddersfield, Bolton or Charlton. Rooms are available with some special offers available on line direct from De Vere Hotels otherwise our rate is £60 per room (2 People) including breakfast.
Book now for another great night.
I am sad to report that good friend of the DDCWWFCSC and Wolves supporting stalwart Jim Heath has died at the age of 53 after a long battle with Cancer. Jim was well known to Coxy and had served alongside him on the Fans Parliament.
Perhaps best known for always occupying the centre spread of A load of Bull Jim produced his own Wolves book Wolves in 20/20 Vision last year; in which he gave the DDCWWFCSC plenty of plugs.
There is a tribute section to Jim on Molineux Mix led by Charles Ross, and also on Wolves Heroes website by David Instone. Both knew Jim very well and both tell different tales about him, revealing different facets of his life.
Charles emailed me with the news on Sunday morning and it was a real shock. He will be missed by many in the Wolves family. RIP Jim
From Wolverhampton take the Bridgnorth Road to Bridgnorth. Then when you get to Bridgnorth take the A458 towards Much Wenlock & Shrewsbury. When you get to the village of Morville take the left hand fork in the road on to the B4368 signposted Craven Arms.
Go past the villages of Monkhopton, Weston & Shipton and keep going until you reach the Seven Stars pub on you left hand side of the road. Then take the next left signposted Holdgate.
Then as you go downhill, the road swings round to the left, and as it swings to the right, turn off the road and over the cattle grid, take the right hand fork, then turn right and park on the lawn.
For you last chance to see premier League football at Molineux, our tickets are now on sale for the final home game. Only £24 each, book online in the usual way and pay and collect from Coxy in the Western.
As I hope you all know the Barbecue is a week on Saturday 30th June. I need some help please! The beer and the meat will be taken care of, but I need a volunteer to go on a supermarket run for us and also someone who can order and bring a large amount of bread rolls! I’ll supply a list of what’s needed.
Please drop Coxy an email if you can help or better still give him a ring at home one evening. Thanks Coxy.