Now Kenny says ‘Yes’….

We are pleased to announce that Wolves Manager Kenny Jackett has accepted out invitation to our 40th Anniversary Dinner on Saturday 24th October. He joins an already impressive guest list that includes Mike Bailey, John Richards, Phil Parkes, Geoff Palmer, Willie Carr, Steve Daley, Bob Hazell, Graham Turner, Mel Eves, Ron Flowers, Tim Steele, Billy Rafferty, Rob Edwards, John Gough and Richard Skirrow. Plus a member of the current playing staff who has agreed to be our new Honorary Member.

There are still tickets available if you want to join in please email Coxy on tp book your place for a 5 course dinner, speeches and presentations then dancing to a band and a disco.


New Honorary Member to be Announced…

….At the Dinner in 3 weeks time. Richard Skirrow and Coxy have been in talks for several months to resolve the issue of having a new Honorary Member for the DDCWWFCSC now that Kevin Foley has left the club. We are still in good contact with Kevin but we wanted to keep a prescence in the dressing room at Molineux. Coxy is thrilled as the main name he wanted has accepted the position and will be at the Dinner on the 24th October

You can be too, although tickets are selling fast there are still some left. Priced at £35 for members and £45 for non members there is a formal 5 course dinner followed by the speeches and presentations then dancing to live music and a disco but not simultaneously!

Book your place by emailing Coxy on or by popping into the Western before the game to pay your cash. Many former players attending with new names being added every day.



Dinner prices announced – we’re on Wolves Heroes!

I eventually got a meal price from Molineux yesterday and I’m pleased to say that I can meet my target prices for Members at £35 per head and Non members at £45 per head. This is due to a good subsidy from club funds and represents a substantial reduction from what we charged last time we were at Molineux. David Instone has given us and the Dinner some publicity on his wolves Heroes website, writing a piece about the DDCWWFCSC and the gathering of former players we have coming along. To read the article go to It’s a great site with lots of stats to jog the memory of players you’ve seen and may have forgotten. I think I have seen some 442 different players play for Wolves. There are still tickets available for the dinner bring you dinner money to the Huddersfield game next week.

Tickets for Hull and QPR

As we can only sell for one game at a time on our website, the Hull tickets are on sale now, QPR tickets will be available by phone from now until Saturday 5pm when they will be available on line as usual.

40th Dinner Date Confirmed

Finally I am able to confirm the date of the 40th Anniversary Dinner of the DDCWWFCSC at Molineux will be Saturday 24th October after the home game with Middlesboro. Although we already have a lot of things in place, there is still an awful amount of work to do, so please bear with us for the  time being on the various details. However please feel free to pay me  any Dinner Monies right from the start of the season.

Help will be required in a number of areas so please volunteer if you can spare some time or services.

More details as and when we have it

Cheers Coxy



Barbecue Date Confirmed

This year’s Summer Barbecue has been set for Saturday 27th June at our usual venue Snelly’s Mum’s house in Broadstone Shropshire. We will follow the tried and trusted formula which sees the DDCWWFCSC provide all the BBQ ingredients and the beer alls you have to bring is something to eat off and with, a salad or pud, something to drink out of and yourselves!

There is both the opportunity to camp overnight and swim as there is a heated swimming pool, so bring your cossies!

We charge the exorbitant fee of £10 per family for this extravaganza which gets underway around 2 pm and goes on for the rest of the day.

Put it in your diaries and let’s see you there.



Former Players Dinner

We have 5 tickets up for grabs for the Former Players Association Dinner on Thursday 16th April in the Hayward Suite at Molineux. Usually this is an outstanding evening with many former players and current officials in attendance.Mike Bailey our Honorary Member is now Chairman of the FPA and he’ll be delighted to see the DDCWWFCSC in attendance.

If you want more details and want to join us on the night, please contact Coxy in the usual way


Charity benefits from Dinner success

Following our recent Dinner at Highgate House I’m proud to report that our collective charitable donations raised at Dinners in recent years has now passed the £5,000 barrier.  The major recipient is Cancer Research – our chosen charity – but we have also given some to the British Heart Foundation following Chat’s death from Heart Disease.

This year’s dinner was a huge success attended by Kenny and Sam Jackett, John and Helen Gough Richard Skirrow and Geoff Palmer. 85  people attended on the night where Coxy John and Kenny spoke. A new feature was moving people around between courses which was popular with most people. A late night was had by some with the last of the revellers heading off to bed around 4 am.

Plans are now underway for the 40th Anniversary Dinner in the Autumn – please keep your calendar clear from the last week in September through to the first week in November until the fixtures come out in the Summer

Kenny Jackett says yes!

Kenny Jackett and his wife Sam have accepted our invitation to attend our Annual Dinner on Saturday 17th of January. Tickets are still available should you wish to attend but the deadline is Monday evening for bookings.

Tickets cost £32 for last season’s members and £42 for non members. Rooms are also available at £68.25 including breakfast for double or twin rooms. Please email Coxy on the club’s email to book before Monday.



Dinner Saturday 17th January

As most of you know already we have a Dinner planned at Highgate House on Saturday 17th January after Blackpool at home.

It will be the tried and trusted formula of a 5 course meal, speeches and presentations, disco and some drinking along the way into the early hours. As in every other year done with a heavy subsidy from club funds – that’s your money we’re spending!
After several aborted attempts over the last 12 months or so this one needs to go ahead before they become a distant memory.
To do that we need YOU!
Why do we need you? Because as a member of this supporters club we need your support for our functions, and throughout our 39 years the standard of our Dinners is what has stood us apart from the other Wolves Supporters Clubs.
Also if this one fails to take place again, I won’t attempt to put one on for the 40th Anniversary at Molineux next year as it’s 5 times the effort and if people aren’t interested in dinners any more then I can accept that and move on.
Similarly with guests past and present from the football club. I’m more than willing to chase around for VIP’s to come for the evening – but not until I have a strong enough commitment from the members for it to go ahead. 3 times in the last year I have had to relay back that our event was now not going ahead due to lack of support by the members.
So to go ahead I need 60 of you to commit to come on the 17th of January, BY THE END OF OCTOBER, should that fail then I can have an easy life and we’ll think of something else to spend our time and money on.
Sorry to sound so stroppy about this, but a lot of effort goes into making the dinners a success each year – it’s like having a family wedding every year – and three times I’ve tried in the last 12 months so this is your last chance!
Please reply by email either way so I know where I stand and can either press on with the arrangements or cancel in good time.