Tranmere Awayday anyone?

I have been asked if I’m running a bus to Tranmere, and the answer is possibly if the demand is there! It fits in with our South East to North West scenario that suits our geography of members so why not?

Well…..It would need a 3pm on a Saturday, with the Bus starting in Northamptonshire, picking up in Warwickshire (M6) then from Faulkland Street.

Then it would need to be viable so we would need at least 35 of you to be interested, I’d then include food along the way and come up with a total price including match ticket.

Please confirm your interest now in the comments section below, so that we can see if enough are interested, if so I’d then expect you to participate and not duck out, and I’llĀ get bus prices and doing the sums etc.

So if you are up for it stick your names down of all those in your party.

CheersĀ  Coxy


Wolves Badge
Newcastle United Badge
15th September 2024
There will be a limited number of tickets available in the Stan Cullis Upper (10 tickets) 7 days before each home game.

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